Advanced Library Management System

Advanced Library Management System

Advanced Library Management System

Library Management System is systematically developed to manage any type of Library easily and efficiently. It is an automated system to create customized virtual Library. Before ERP was introduced by Computerization, Library based tasks were handled manually and in traditional order. Our Library Management System is the purpose to ease traditional hassle and embrace digitization to make works easy and transparent.

Our Advanced Library can be integrated to any existing system such as Public library, Private Funded library, School/College/University library etc. It is easily customizable to Clients need and any Label.

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About the Library Management System

Every librarian wants something that would make their work easier inside the library.

We all know that it’s not very easy to handle lots of books with different categories.

That’s why this Library Management System in php and mysqli is very helpful for school or public libraries. With the use of this Library Management System, it will be easier for the librarian/admin to manage the books in categorical order. He has the ability to add books, groups, issue and return books.

He can also view book report, customer details and rented book details. The admin should also provide all the details about the books such as ID, name, Publisher, Author, Year, Price, Edition and many more.

You can read about our advanced school management system

This system has many features such as:

For Nursery learning resources click here

The system has a user-friendly interface which makes it easy to use. This i developed  using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for the design. I hope this Library Management System will help you. For the source code and quotation, see below details

You can as well read about Ultimate inventory with POS

For the quotaion and source code:

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About me

Emmadacomputerguy innovation and software solutions uganda


Am an experienced I.T specialist with a good track record / experience in systems administration, server administration , computer repair and maintenance ,network installation and maintenance ,systems programming , cyber security ,data analyst and I.T sales and marketing

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